No cookies for me

I've just noticed that the verdict of the TPF grant committee is out 2009 Q1 Grant Results and both of my proposals were rejected. So no funded work on CPAN::Forum nor on debugger integration for Padre.

In a way it is sad, not so much 'cause of the money - it is not a huge amount after all - but for the lack of official looking support of TPF. Anyway I am not sure what I am going to do now as I could hardly make any progress on the one grant that got accepted in the previous round, integrating Padre and Parrot. The main problem is that part of the work that has to be done is XS related and I don't know enough of that to do it. So I am waiting on some core Parrot developers to implement those features and apparently there are other, more interesting and urgent things to do. So I wonder if I just should declare defeat on that grant and let them return the money to the pool?

I am happy I did not take the money they offered up-front.


Marc Peters on eat your first cookie before asking for seconds