One-liners to promote Perl

The Perl Community AdServer is almost 2 years old. It is serving many thousands of one-line messages a day from the Perl community via the websites of the community. I am looking for more promotional messages and more places to display these messages.

It is a simple Adserver. Members of the various Perl Monger groups from around the world and participants of the various Perl projects can send me on-line text messages (up to 70 characters). These are included in the list of messages in a simple Yaml file and then are displayed randomly on various Perl related web sites around the world such as the PerlMonks, the Kobes CPAN search engine, and the web site of EPO. To pick a few.

We even have country-level targeting so for example the messages about the Lisbon Perl Mongers are only displayed to visitors from Portugal.

If you have a web site, or the archives of a Perl related mailing list you can add a simple javascript code to your pages and these ads will start to show up on your site as well. (See the PCAS website for details).

If you have a Perl Mongers group anywhere in the world, or if you are organizing a Perl related community event, or if you have a Perl related web site, or if you have a Perl project you can send me an e-mail to or a tweet with a short text message (up to 70 characters) and I'll include it in the service.

The message can be in any language but if it is not in English, please also send an English translation. If it is only relevant to certain countries then please give me the list of countries so I can limit the display coverage.