2015 in Numbers

I did not have a detailed plan for 2015, I just wanted to write a lot more articles than in 2014 to reach 1,000,000 pageviews by November 2015

This page was going to serve me as a way to follow my progress.

Specifically, I planed to publish at least one technical article on every day. That means articles on Perl Maven, Perl 6 Maven, Code Maven, Tracert.

I don't think I managed to publish than many articles, but I did quite well.

The "following of my progress" went well in January, but then I stopped updating this page. I've left the links in here at the bottom of the page.

Web site traffic

Web site traffic in
Site                        November 2013  November 2014 Change November 2015 Change
http://perlmaven.com/       117,987         246,833      +109%   368,030      +49%
                             86,703         179,870      +107%   242,568      +35%
                             61,859         114,975       +85%   140,463      +22%

http://tracert.com/          80,439          61,147               99,756
                             24,018          19,828               33,564
                             19,878          16,717               27,870

http://padre.perlide.org/    32,333          30,075               28,928
                             12,593          12,606               11,118
                             10,600          10,587                9,001

http://code-maven.com/            0             180               22,549
                                                124               15,185
                                                117               13,235

http://dwimperl.com/         11,690          11,465               10,314
                              8,260           8,195                7,278
                              7,037           7,503                6,716

http://perltv.org/           10,715           1,032                  469
                              7,835             703                  371
                              5,686             549                  335

http://szabgab.com/           8,209           3,372                2,867
                              5,239           2,629                2,262
                              4,314           2,324                1,888

http://perlweekly.com/        3,667           3,367                3,264
                              1,988           1,819                1,768
                              1,274           1,257                1,131

http://perl6maven.com/        1,582           2,473                2,583
                                584             929                1,406
                                461             798                1,108

http://edumaven.com/              0           9,186                9,812
                                              2,815                3,401
                                              2,391                3,014
Total (pageviews)           266,629         369,130      +38%    548,572      +48%

The numbers of the perlmaven.com site look good, but they are a bit misleading. In the last 10 days of November 2015 the pageview allready fell from their peak and they don't seem to recover in January 2016 either. 2015 started quite well but late February 2015 the growth of the site stopped. It started to grow again in August and peaked in the first week of November 2015.

The code-maven site grew a lot less than I expected.

Plans for 2016

I have to do a lot more contract work and a lot more training in 2016 than I did in 2015. That means I'll have a lot less time writing articles.

I've already started to look for people who would write at least some of the Perl Maven Pro articles. We'll see how does that work out.

I'd also like to start and grow a new open source project. Something akin to Padre, the Perl IDE, but this time not an IDE. Unfortunatelly I'll probably won't have the time for it. Neither do I know what languae to use.

Perl 5, Perl 6, or somthing else?

It is clear that the Popularity of Perl 5 keeps falling, and apparently the Perl Maven site has also reached its growth potential.

Perl 6 has been "released" by Chrismas 2015, and it started to generate discussions inside the Perl community, but so far it does not seem to get a lot of tracktion. Will it grow a lot in 2016?

I'd love to put a lot more energy in both Perl 5 via the Perl Maven site and Perl 6 via the Perl 6 Maven site, but I am afraid this will be a lot of invested energy with very little return.

The same is true for contract work and training. I don't think there are many places I can do part time contract work in Perl 5 any more, and there is nearly no Perl 5 training. (Even though currenlty I am fully booked till the end of March 2016.) Perl 6 is still in its baby stage. Neither work nor trainig opportunities.

So I think I need to invest a lot of energy in developing expertise in other languages. Primarily probably in various JavaScript frameworks, but probably also in Python and Ruby. I've been using the Code Maven site as a playground, though I have been planning to split it up to language specific site. It still seems to be too early for that. Maybe when it reaches the daily 1,000 visits.


The link collection I used as my "progress report" for 2015. After January I've stopped updating this page.

2015.01.01The Popularity of Perl in 2014 szabgab.com
2015.01.01Moose: Testing the constructor Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.01Continuous Integration for Perl 6 modules using Travis-CI Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.022015 in Numbers (aka. recursion)szabgab.com
2015.01.02Advanced usage of Getopt::Long for accepting command line arguments Perl Maven
2015.01.03Running external commands from Perl 6 (shell, QX) Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.04The Popularity of Ruby sites in 2014 szabgab.com
2015.01.04Moose: testing the setter and getter Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.052015 CPAN Pull Request Challenge Perl Maven
2015.01.05The Popularity of Python sites in 2014 szabgab.com
2015.01.05Getting Started with Bailador Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.06The most popular sites about JavaScript in 2014 szabgab.com
2015.01.06Moose type constraints Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.07How to get the size of a file in Perl Perl Maven
2015.01.07The most popular PHP-related sites in 2014 szabgab.com
2015.01.08How to get the size of a file in Perl 6 Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.09The Popularity of Dart sites in 2014 szabgab.com
2015.01.09Current Working Directory in Perl 6 (cwd, pwd, $*CWD) Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.10Echo text with Bailador Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.11Timestamp and elapsed time in Perl 6 Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.11Moose testing type constraint Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.12 DWIM Perl 6
2015.01.12Bailador Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.12Web sites powered by Perl with Open Source code-base Perl Maven
2015.01.13Classes as constraints in Moose Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.14The relative popularity of programming languages in 2014 szabgab.com
2015.01.15Creating subtypes for Moose Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.15The magic unary plus (+) Perl Maven
2015.01.16Want a job abroad? Improve your language and communication skills! Perl Maven
2015.01.17Introduction to Perl 6 using REPL: scalars Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.17Business Models for Open Source Content szabgab.com
2015.01.17Moose: coerce value to a subtype Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.18LinkedIN szabgab.com
2015.01.18Welcome and Installation Perl Maven (Free)
2015.01.19Skip tests if prerequisites are not installed Perl Maven
2015.01.20Perl 4 libraries Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.21What is autovivification? Perl Maven (Free)
2015.01.22The problem with libraries Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.23Editors, IDEs Perl Maven (Free)
2015.01.24Namespaces and packages Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.24How to get the index of specific element of an array in Perl 6 ? Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.242014 in Numbers szabgab.com
2015.01.24Construct the path to a file in the same directory as the current script Perl Maven (guest)
2015.01.25Modules in Perl Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.25Avoid (unwanted) bitwise operators Perl Maven
2015.01.25How to connect to the #perl6 IRC channel and try Perl 6 on-line Perl 6 Maven
2015.01.26Your first script: Hello world Perl Maven (Free)
2015.01.26 Perl Maven Pro
2015.01.27Safety net (use strict; use warnings;) Perl Maven (Free)