
Warning: Most of the posts here are personal or political. My technical articles are over at Code Maven and Perl Maven. You have been warned!
2024 Jul 25 Meetup: Many members, few attendees
2024 Jul 07 Rust Israel 2024.07.07
2024 Jul 07 Progress bar 2024.07.07
2024 Jun 26 LinedIn progress bar 2024.06.26
2024 Jun 20 Learning Hebrew
2024 Jun 19 Telegram
2024 Jun 14 Progress bar 2024.06.14
2024 Jun 04 A watched kettle never boils
2024 Jun 03 Virtual workshops in English
2024 May 01 Rust Maven at 200 articles
2024 Apr 16 Report and plans for 2024.04.16
2024 Apr 10 Addictive visitor count on the Rust Maven site
2024 Mar 14 Rust Maven at 150 articles
2024 Mar 01 Squash in Israel - סקווש בישראל
2024 Mar 01 Hungary in Hebrew
2024 Jan 04 Meet-OS, the first public version
2024 Jan 04 🎂 The first 100 articles on Rust Maven 🦀
2023 Dec 07 Programming language popularity on Reddit
2023 Dec 07 Rust on Instagram
2023 Nov 21 Plans with Rust
2023 Nov 20 Rust Digger podcast on The Rustacean Station
2023 Nov 13 Rust
2023 Sep 18 SEO for Rust Digger
2023 Sep 12 How I broke and fixed Kantoniko?
2023 Jul 16 Free learning materials
2023 Jul 16 Progress and cleanup
2023 Jul 15 Top GitHub Users By Public Contributions in Israel
2023 Jul 15 Courses in Higher Education institutions
2023 Jul 14 Gábor Szabó - Teaching Rust, Python, Git, and Docker
2023 Jul 12 First Rust crate (rustatic) released!
2023 Jul 11 2 weeks report
2023 Jul 09 Learning Rust - after one month
2023 Jun 28 Cilent work
2023 Jun 27 Need to allocate time for promotion
2023 Jun 26 GitHub user group, articles on the OSDC site
2023 Jun 25 New week, new plans (2023.06.25)
2023 Jun 23 Friday 2023.06.23
2023 Jun 22 Last meeting of the OSDC Course in Azrieli
2023 Jun 21 Lunch and coffee meetings, Maakaf Meetup
2023 Jun 20 Daily TODO 2023.06.20
2023 Jun 19 What shall I work on today?
2023 Mar 18 Resources for learning Hungarian
2022 Nov 22 Promotion: Getting my content in-front of more people
2022 Nov 21 Interns for Open Source projects
2022 Nov 20 Reddit for Hebrew content
2022 Nov 19 Countries and languages on the World Atlas
2022 Nov 19 Beyond Perl
2022 Oct 22 CPAN Digger statistics 2022.10.07
2022 Aug 05 Follow me
2022 Aug 05 Support the public work of Gabor Szabo
2022 Jun 07 Creating an online video-enabled club or party
2022 May 05 Search in various languages in Google
2022 Apr 20 Add spell-checker to various applications
2022 Apr 09 Next steps for the Ladino dictionary
2022 Mar 27 Open Source translator (instead of Google translate)
2022 Feb 06 Gábor self reporting for 2022.02.06
2022 Jan 16 Runkeeper 2021
2022 Jan 15 LibreLingo progress: history and one-file dictionary
2022 Jan 15 Measuring progress while learning Ladino
2022 Jan 15 Yak shaving while learning Ladino
2022 Jan 06 The two solutions for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
2022 Jan 01 Ladino - Judeo-Spanish
2022 Jan 01 Gábor self reporting for 2022.01.01
2021 Dec 13 Italki number of tutors per language
2021 Dec 05 Ladino tomorrow
2021 Dec 05 Language skills and proficiency levels
2021 Nov 29 Creating Dialogue - Jews - Israel
2021 Nov 25 LibreLingo - Open source language learning platform
2021 Nov 18 Accusing Israel of ...
2021 Nov 17 Moving to GitHub pages and Markdown?
2021 Nov 08 Gábor self reporting for 2021.11.08
2021 Oct 04 Delayed value creation for legacy code
2021 Oct 01 The issue with software rewrite
2021 Oct 01 Gábor self reporting for 2021.09.01
2021 Sep 30 Asynchronous Communication and distributed work
2021 Sep 29 When a software is "done"
2021 Aug 16 Afghanistan
2021 Aug 16 Lack of achievement
2021 Aug 15 Rescuing an application written in Perl from total meltdown
2021 Aug 13 Future-proofing an in-house application
2021 Aug 12 Wikipedia Articles and Paralympics
2021 Aug 08 Dropbox CLI - Command line client
2021 Aug 08 Origami
2021 Aug 07 Ad-free browsing
2021 Aug 07 Runkeeper 5,000 km
2021 Aug 05 Vile Israel- and Jew-haters
2021 Aug 04 The perils of the home-made framework
2021 Aug 03 Communism is a great idea - in theory
2021 Aug 03 The workforce crisis of 2030
2021 Aug 02 The single biggest reason why startups succeed
2021 Aug 01 Gábor self reporting for 2021.07
2021 Jul 31 Rearrange my desk - horizontal screen extension
2021 Jul 31 Daily Task
2021 Jul 28 Wasting time on Facebook
2021 Jul 28 Which car to buy? Electric of gasoline fueled?
2021 Jul 25 Nation or Religion?
2021 Jul 24 Taxi Drivers - Ambulances - Women
2021 Jul 23 Is Gratitude Good for Your Health?
2021 Jun 20 The distance from a real-world problem?
2021 Jun 11 Gabor self reporting for 2021.05
2021 May 06 Gabor self reporting for 2021.04
2021 May 06 peek - gif recorder in Linux to create silent screencast
2021 Apr 25 Team programming
2021 Apr 21 The goal of the live pair-programming sessions
2021 Apr 16 Scheduling live pair programming events
2021 Apr 13 Live Pair programming
2021 Apr 02 Gabor self reporting for 2021.03
2021 Mar 17 The code could not be found in table 2784
2021 Mar 02 Gabor self reporting for 2021.02
2021 Feb 25 What to do with legacy Perl code?
2021 Feb 25 My Yak
2021 Feb 22 What can you do if you become the manager of a Perl development team with a huge legacy code-base?
2021 Feb 17 Test Automation: joy and value!
2021 Feb 16 DevOps, the new silo
2021 Feb 04 Open learning and coding session
2021 Feb 01 Gabor self reporting for 2021.01
2021 Jan 26 What to do now?
2021 Jan 19 Docker Course
2021 Jan 19 New course: Testing in Perl
2021 Jan 12 Daily Activity
2021 Jan 11 Which courses to record?
2021 Jan 11 New Course: Parallel programming in Perl
2021 Jan 04 Other Programming languages for Perl developers
2021 Jan 02 More Perl Maven followers on LinkedIn than #Perl followers
2021 Jan 01 Gabor self reporting for 2020.12
2020 Dec 05 Perl Dancer Course
2020 Dec 03 Programming Bootcamp - available online
2020 Dec 02 New Year's Resolution - every month
2020 Dec 01 Gabor self reporting for 2020.11
2020 Nov 27 Web monetization
2020 Nov 10 I need to create a simple and stupid game for myself
2020 Nov 03 Gabor self reporting for 2020.10
2020 Oct 01 Gabor self reporting for 2020.09
2020 Sep 29 SMART Goal setting
2020 Sep 28 The 4 pillars of meaningful life
2020 Sep 23 Helping people finding a new job
2020 Sep 23 Struggle with Patreon
2020 Sep 02 Gabor self reporting for 2020.08
2020 Sep 01 Facebook poll about a Perl-based web app
2020 Sep 01 Gabor self reporting
2020 Aug 26 Long-term contract work
2020 Aug 17 Activity vs. Impact
2020 Aug 07 Looking for a job while being unemployed
2020 Aug 06 Full-time employment
2020 Aug 06 Business Models - Income streams
2020 Aug 05 Goal - Mission Statement
2020 Aug 02 Gabor self reporting for 2020.07
2020 Jul 31 Twitter
2020 Jul 30 Facebook
2020 Jul 29 Supporters
2020 Jul 29 YouTube
2020 Jul 28 LinkedIn
2020 Jul 28 Promoting LinkedIn pages
2020 Jul 28 Focus
2020 Jul 25 Videos inviting to the Code-Maven and Perl Maven web sites
2020 Jul 25 LinkedIn polls - first experiment
2020 Jul 24 Back to Twitter
2020 Jul 17 LinkedIn contacts by programming languages
2020 Jul 11 LinkedIn Hashtags and follower counts
2020 Jul 10 LinkedIn Pages - by language or by topic?
2020 Jul 07 The Perl Foundation, the Perl Weekly, and marketing
2020 Jul 04 The useful Yak shaving
2020 Jul 03 Why is marketing so hard for developers? - Feedback
2020 Jul 03 The importance of blog writing to improve your employability
2020 Jul 01 Marketing and Sales funnel
2020 Jun 28 Bookmarks
2020 Jun 23 Success on YouTube
2020 Jun 20 The goal
2020 Jun 19 Back to YouTube
2020 Jun 08 Consultant hack - show availability in clients Calendar when most of the days you are busy
2020 Mar 30 Online Perl Mob Programming
2020 Mar 23 Remote or Distributed work
2020 Feb 29 Level X game rules
2020 Feb 29 Harmonica
2020 Feb 29 Winter sports in Spanish
2020 Jan 18 Sitemap XML
2020 Jan 18 On Marketing and Promotion
2020 Jan 01 PyConIL 2019 retrospective and improvement suggestions
2020 Jan 01 Gabor self reporting for 2019.12
2019 Dec 24 Meetups: Presentations and workshops
2019 Dec 07 Gabor self reporting for 2019.11
2019 Oct 15 Ladino - one year after starting Spanish.
2019 Jul 20 Ideas to increase the attendees/registered user ratio at free Meetups
2019 Apr 29 BOFs at Craft-Conf 2019
2019 Apr 19 Use Technical Meetups to help recruitment
2019 Mar 18 Notes
2019 Jan 18 Ranking of Perl sites 2019 January
2019 Jan 10 Hiking after Craft Conference 2019 in Budapest
2018 Dec 14 My favorite places in Budapest, Hungary
2018 Dec 05 Resources for learning Spanish
2018 Aug 02 CPAN - Number of visits
2018 Jun 10 Craft Conf 2018 retrospective
2018 May 27 Flawed democracy
2018 May 14 Jerusalem, the capital of Israel
2018 Apr 19 Leadership
2018 Apr 06 Goals
2018 Mar 27 Beautify your LinkedIn profile link
2018 Mar 09 New Year's Resolutions
2018 Feb 16 The Popularity of Perl in 2018 February
2018 Feb 14 9 articles on Personal Retrospective
2018 Jan 18 Hiking after Craft Conference 2018 in Budapest
2018 Jan 18 People at Tech conferences: Hikes and Nature
2018 Jan 08 New Year's resolutions are the Waterfall methodology
2018 Jan 02 Questions for assessing the DevOps needs of a company
2017 Nov 23 State of Version Control System of Python modules: 32.95% no link to VCS found
2017 Nov 13 Microservices
2017 Nov 08 Estimates of Software Projects
2017 Oct 15 Reversim Israel 2017
2017 Oct 03 How to promote a new web site - how to get visitors
2017 Sep 26 Perl Dancer eBook: Angular, React, or Vue?
2017 Sep 16 Perl Dancer eBook Crowdfunding campaign
2017 Sep 12 Bailador 0.0.12 released and the Bailador Book is progressing
2017 Aug 30 Developer Weekly newsletter
2017 Jul 13 Why am I writing the Bailador Book?
2017 Jun 22 Extending the Bailador crowdfunding campaign by another month
2017 Jun 21 Less than 24 hours in the Bailador campaign
2017 Jun 17 Batteries included - the biggest impact on programming language popularity
2017 Jun 08 Bailador Crowdfunding campaign by country - first 100 contributors
2017 May 28 The phases of a crowdfunding campaign: first week
2017 May 24 The phases of a crowdfunding campaign: launching
2017 May 19 Craft Conf 2017 retrospective
2017 May 01 Blog engine in Perl 6
2017 Apr 21 Programming language popularity - Stack Overflow
2017 Apr 02 Traffic origins of
2017 Mar 25 Perl related crowdfunding on Kickstarter, Tilt, Indiegogo
2017 Mar 24 Hiking after Craft Conference 2017 in Budapest
2017 Mar 21 MetaCPAN vs
2017 Feb 23 Finding a job in HiTech
2017 Jan 28 Comparing the Muslims today to the Jews before the Holocaust? Think again!
2017 Jan 27 László Szabó Chess Grandmaster - 100 years - 100 translations
2017 Jan 22 Open Source Evenings in Modiin
2017 Jan 08 How to fight the assholes?
2016 Dec 21 Learning while commuting
2016 Dec 20 Pay By Karma
2016 Dec 03 Quotes
2016 Nov 11 Podcasts, Conferences, and Videos
2016 Oct 29 Podcasts and conferences
2016 Oct 11 Improve your chances of survival at Job Interviews and Public Speaking
2016 Sep 07 Confession of a Public Speaker
2016 Aug 01 Perl Weekly - The first 5 years
2016 Jul 28 YouTube Channel at 200,000 views
2016 Jul 20 Contract work vs Startup life
2016 Jul 18 YAPC::NA 2016 report
2016 Jul 07 Technology, Quality Management, Short Stories, History, and other Podcasts
2016 Jun 03 Why am I blogging?
2016 May 09 YouTube Channel at 1,000 subscribers
2016 Apr 01 thanks (NOT spam)
2016 Feb 06 Switching Gears? Changing direction?
2016 Jan 19 2015 in Numbers
2016 Jan 01 The Popularity of Perl in 2015
2016 Jan 01 The Popularity of Dart sites in 2015
2016 Jan 01 The most popular sites about JavaScript in 2015
2016 Jan 01 The most popular PHP-related sites in 2015
2016 Jan 01 The most popular Python sites in 2015
2016 Jan 01 The Popularity of Ruby sites in 2015
2015 Dec 18 Types of Passive Income Generated Online and What to Expect From Each – Part 1
2015 Dec 02 Content Marketing experts
2015 Nov 25 Make easy things easy and hard things possible
2015 Nov 24 Perl wish list: fixing Pod::Tidy
2015 Nov 23 SEO advice: Don't move around pages
2015 Nov 20 Gratipay for Perl related projects
2015 Nov 18 How to make money with a blog?
2015 Oct 13 The future of YAPC::EU and YEF
2015 Oct 01 YAPC::EU 2015 Granada - hiking to Pico del Veleta in Sierra Nevada
2015 Jul 13 YouTube Channel at 100,000 views
2015 Jun 24 YAPC and Perl Workshop participant numbers
2015 May 22 Source of visitors of Perl-related sites
2015 May 10 Pro or Not Pro?
2015 May 08 Slow personal progress
2015 Feb 10 Weekend vs Weekday visits of Perl-related sites
2015 Feb 01 Code Maven
2015 Jan 24 2014 in Numbers
2015 Jan 18 LinkedIN - why is it useful to me?
2015 Jan 17 Business Models for Open Source Content
2015 Jan 14 The relative popularity of programming languages in 2014
2015 Jan 09 The Popularity of Dart sites in 2014
2015 Jan 09 Screencast series for Programmers
2015 Jan 07 The most popular PHP-related sites in 2014
2015 Jan 06 The most popular sites about JavaScript in 2014
2015 Jan 05 The most popular Python sites in 2014
2015 Jan 04 The Popularity of Ruby sites in 2014
2015 Jan 01 The Popularity of Perl in 2014
2014 Dec 28 Do Alexa rankings have any meaning?
2014 Dec 13 Perl Maven under 100,000 and above 200,000
2014 Dec 02 Perl Maven - November 2014
2014 Nov 10 Missing Perl projects
2014 Nov 02 Perl Maven - October 2014
2014 Oct 18 Stats of 7 Perl-related web sites
2014 Sep 30 Perl Maven - September 2014
2014 Sep 01 Perl Maven - August 2014
2014 Aug 17 The anti-Israeli rhetoric
2014 Aug 09 Perl Maven - July 2014
2014 Aug 07 Catalyst vs Dancer vs Mojolicious on Stack Overflow
2014 Jul 29 Bad error messages
2014 Jul 01 Perl Maven - June 2014
2014 Jun 03 One year of Perl Maven Pro
2014 May 06 Thunderclap and the buzz for Perl
2014 Apr 29 GitTip and the Perl Community
2014 Apr 05 Fixing CPAN links on Stack Overflow
2014 Mar 12 How did PHP and Python take over such a huge market-share of Perl?
2014 Mar 11 Perl event organizer kit
2014 Mar 06 Open Source Developers Club in Modiin, Israel
2014 Feb 28 The Future of Perl (was Python)
2014 Feb 26 Perl Maven over 6,000 visits a day
2014 Feb 26 Edu Maven
2014 Feb 20 Introduction to Programming in Dart
2014 Feb 19 Sponsoring Perl events by running Perl training courses
2014 Feb 17 MongoDB talk at the Modiin Hub
2014 Feb 02 How many Perl programmers are there in the world?
2014 Jan 07 The Popularity of Perl in 2013
2014 Jan 02 Perl Maven under 200,000 and ahead of
2013 Dec 28 The impact of Google Plus
2013 Dec 18 Happy Birthday and Thank You
2013 Dec 14 Google Trends - Software Technologies
2013 Dec 11 Perl Maven over 5,000 visits a day
2013 Nov 26 MongoDB and Perl book
2013 Nov 22 How to command the command line?
2013 Nov 20 Moving from SCO to MetaCPAN
2013 Nov 18 Claiming your CPAN authorship at Google
2013 Nov 06 Working with Django and the Perl Maven over 4000
2013 Oct 06 Free and Open Source Software in Israel - Meetup Group
2013 Oct 05 Web based debugging article and the Perl Maven over 3000
2013 Sep 16 Domain name change and Alexa Rankings
2013 Sep 14 Wikipedia links to CPAN
2013 Aug 29 Promoting Perl: GitPrep
2013 Aug 01 Three month after domain name change
2013 Jul 27 How to get Google to show your avatar next to the search results
2013 Jul 25 The long tail is getting longer and thicker
2013 Jul 22 Nerd Fitness WTF?
2013 Jul 18 Compiling Perl, Python and Ruby
2013 Jul 16 SEO - Search Engine Optimization for Perl programmers
2013 Jul 12 There are no Perl events in my country/city...
2013 Jul 11 Public DNS Resolvers (and using dig)
2013 Jul 09 How do you make sure your visitors keep coming back?
2013 Jul 06 How do you get people to your site in the first place?
2013 Jul 05 Getting the word out
2013 Jul 03 Would you like to build a small company or a start-up?
2013 Jul 02 Mid-year resolution 2013
2013 Jun 28 The Alexa turning point
2013 Jun 24 The first 100 weeks of the Perl Weekly
2013 May 21 Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP and HTML5 on Google trends
2013 May 08 The social price of redirection
2013 Apr 30 Comparing Perl, Python, Ruby and PHP
2013 Apr 28 To merge or not to merge?
2013 Mar 27 YAPC::NA 2013 training classes
2013 Mar 22 Perl Weekly readers and Perl Maven visitors by country
2013 Mar 13 Perl Maven book for Beginners published (v1.24)
2013 Mar 02 Report for February 2013
2013 Feb 22 Report for January 2013
2013 Feb 11 Israeli Perl Workshop on February 25, 2013
2013 Feb 08 The future of Perl or what happened at the Perl Reunification Summit?
2013 Feb 06 Update on the licenses and the repository links on CPAN
2013 Feb 03 New edition of the Advanced Perl Maven e-book was published
2013 Jan 31 Fetching the status of blog entries using grep and cut
2013 Jan 28 Perl at FOSDEM 2013 and the outreach
2013 Jan 08 The license and the repository of Perl modules on CPAN
2012 Dec 20 Old school or hip?
2012 Nov 25 Announcing the Regex Maven for Android
2012 Oct 07 Building DWIM Perl for Linux
2012 Sep 27 Announcing the Perl Maven Competition
2012 Sep 25 Announcing the "Test Automation using Perl" e-book
2012 Sep 15 Perl based open source products (r)
2012 Sep 13 ConFoo 2013 in Montreal - Call for Papers is Now Open!
2012 Sep 08 The most popular Perl web sites
2012 Sep 04 Report for August and TODO for September 2012
2012 Aug 15 What is the size of the Perl community?
2012 Aug 14 Perl developers and LinkedIN
2012 Aug 10 Enlightened Modern Perl or useful Perl?
2012 Aug 01 Report for July and TODO for August 2012
2012 Jul 26 Announcing the Advanced Perl Maven e-book
2012 Jul 18 Looking for a stable language?
2012 Jul 06 Perl 5 Maven and Perl 6 Maven
2012 Jul 01 TODO for July 2012
2012 Jun 24 Restarting is hard
2012 May 03 Perl Maven Cookbook
2012 May 01 TODO for May 2012
2012 Apr 28 Facebook vs Google+ for Perl projects
2012 Apr 26 Splice to slice and dice arrays in Perl (r)
2012 Apr 15 Perl Weekly two days later
2012 Apr 13 The Perl Weekly newsletter reaches 3000 subscribers
2012 Apr 05 Simple Database access using Perl DBI and SQL (r)
2012 Apr 02 Perl Test Automation Training in Madison, Wisconsin and in Kiev, Ukraine
2012 Mar 31 Scalable Vector Graphics with Perl (r)
2012 Mar 28 How to create a Perl Module for code reuse? (r)
2012 Mar 26 Scalar found where operator expected (r)
2012 Mar 25 Introducing Perl in just 4 hours
2012 Mar 13 DWIM Perl for Linux server 5.14.2 v2 released
2012 Mar 11 How to build a dynamic web application using PSGI (r)
2012 Mar 10 Extracting data from a file with multi-line records
2012 Mar 09 Unknown warnings category (r)
2012 Mar 07 My First Web Application using PSGI (r)
2012 Mar 03 How to remove, copy or rename a file with Perl (r)
2012 Mar 01 TODO for March 2012
2012 Feb 26 join (r)
2012 Feb 25 What is a Perl Monger group for?
2012 Feb 24 Subroutines and functions in Perl (r)
2012 Feb 22 Name "main::x" used only once: possible typo at ... (r)
2012 Feb 21 The (free) Israeli Perl Workshop on 28th February 2012
2012 Feb 16 Matching numbers using Perl regex (r)
2012 Feb 14 How to get feedback?
2012 Feb 12 DWIM Perl 5.14 for Windows (v7) released
2012 Feb 10 Announcing my first Perl e-book
2012 Feb 09 $_ the default variable of Perl (r)
2012 Feb 08 Automatic string to number conversion or casting in Perl (r)
2012 Feb 06 Announcing DWIM Perl for Windows
2012 Feb 04 Debugging Perl scripts (r)
2012 Feb 03 Perl on the command line (r)
2012 Feb 01 TODO for February 2012
2012 Jan 31 The right way to install CPAN modules
2012 Jan 17 Global symbol requires explicit package name (r)
2012 Jan 15 Use of uninitialized value (r)
2012 Jan 14 How to get the Perl Weekly every day?
2012 Jan 11 Understanding Regular Expressions - part 1 (r)
2012 Jan 10 How to read a CSV file using Perl? (r)
2012 Jan 05 Minimal requirement to build a sane CPAN package (r)
2012 Jan 04 TODO 2012
2011 Dec 29 The Power of referrals
2011 Dec 22 20 Curated Weekly newsletters for programmers, sysadmins and what's in between
2011 Dec 21 Open File in Perl
2011 Dec 19 TODO 2011 December
2011 Dec 15 Transforming a Perl array using map (r)
2011 Dec 14 Don't Open Files in the old way (r)
2011 Dec 13 POD - Plain Old Doculmentation (r)
2011 Dec 11 Core Perl documentation and CPAN module documentation (r)
2011 Dec 09 Filtering values using Perl grep (r)
2011 Dec 08 Object Oriented Perl using Moose (r)
2011 Dec 07 Advanced Perl Maven - online video course introduction (r)
2011 Dec 06 How to capture and save warnings in Perl (r)
2011 Dec 05 Download and install Perl (r)
2011 Dec 04 How to change @INC to find Perl modules in non-standard locations (r)
2011 Nov 28 What is the Perl Maven?
2011 Nov 27 Beginner Perl Maven (r)
2011 Nov 25 The for loop in Perl (r)
2011 Nov 24 Perl Editor (r)
2011 Nov 23 Call for translators, transcriptors and mentors for them!
2011 Nov 22 Variable declaration in Perl (r)
2011 Nov 19 Symbolic references in Perl (r)
2011 Nov 18 Perl Workshop in Israel, 2012
2011 Nov 17 Barewords in Perl (r)
2011 Nov 15 How to teach "Modern" Perl?
2011 Nov 09 Scalar and List context in Perl, the size of an array (r)
2011 Nov 07 The year of 19100 (r)
2011 Nov 06 The impact of Hacker News on my web site
2011 Nov 06 Perl Arrays (r)
2011 Nov 04 Perl Tutorial: open and read from files (r)
2011 Nov 03 Testing a simple Perl module (r)
2011 Nov 03 Helping people find good Perl tutorials
2011 Nov 02 Unique values in an array in Perl (r)
2011 Nov 01 Sorting arrays in Perl (r)
2011 Nov 01 Perl tutorial: while loop (r)
2011 Oct 30 Number Guessing game (r)
2011 Oct 29 Perl tutorial - Appending to files (r)
2011 Oct 27 Perl tutorial: - Writing to files (r)
2011 Oct 27 How do newbies find learning materials online?
2011 Oct 11 The sin of no documentation
2011 Oct 11 Semi-Local Business
2011 Oct 08 Perl Testing training class at the London Perl Workshop
2011 Oct 04 Reaching Perl People with Perl news
2011 Sep 26 Perl Poll: What would you like to read about?
2011 Sep 23 Perl Weekly click statistics
2011 Sep 15 Which is the better language to learn Perl or PHP?
2011 Sep 11 YAPC::Europe 2011 survey
2011 Sep 08 Lessons from running Perl Weekly for the first 6 weeks
2011 Aug 30 Perl training materials or even books?
2011 Aug 22 The sources of Perl related news - did you announce the release of your module?
2011 Aug 19 3 simple ways to help the Perl community
2011 Aug 11 YAPC::EU 2011-4 Riga airport, passport control, spoiler warning
2011 Aug 09 Finally my job has a title!
2011 Aug 02 Searching for YAPC::EU in Riga
2011 Aug 01 Weekly Perl News - first issue sent out
2011 Jul 31 How to integrate a Mailman sign-up with your web site?
2011 Jul 25 MetaCPAN is awesome! (r)
2011 Jul 24 Next meeting of the Tel Aviv Perl Mongers 27 July 2011
2011 Jul 21 Perl tutorial: String functions: length, lc, uc, index, substr (r)
2011 Jul 20 How to prepare a surprise birthday party
2011 Jul 19 Perl tutorial: comparing scalars (r)
2011 Jul 18 Perl tutorial: scalars (r)
2011 Jul 18 Beginner and Advanced Perl Courses in Ramat Gan in September 2011
2011 Jul 17 Slightly broken links on Ironman
2011 Jul 15 Contributing to a Perl module on CPAN (using vim and Github) (r)
2011 Jul 14 The Social Padre: Facebook like button
2011 Jul 13 Avoid (unwanted) bitwise operators (r)
2011 Jul 12 The Social Padre: Google+
2011 Jul 11 The effectiveness of Twitter, or the lack of it
2011 Jul 11 Three new screencasts and a little bit of statistics
2011 Jul 10 The Perl password safe Challenge
2011 Jul 07 I need a name for a Perl distribution
2011 Jul 06 Creating a successful open source project
2011 Jul 06 Contract is finished, life is beautiful
2011 Jul 04 Perl Classes in Riga around YAPC
2011 Jun 30 Building a blog engine using Perl Dancer (r)
2011 Jun 28 Stackoverflow, Serverfault, Superuser and Perl
2011 Jun 27 Fetching data from YouTube using Perl (r)
2011 Jun 26 The making of the Perl screencasts
2011 Jun 26 Strawberry Perl download statistics
2011 Jun 25 Install Perl, print Hello World, Safety net (use strict, use warnings) (r)
2011 Jun 23 Using the built-in debugger of Perl as REPL (r)
2011 Jun 22 The selfish CPAN Tester
2011 Jun 21 Padre on Strawberry Perl v5 released
2011 Jun 19 Next Tel Aviv Perl Mongers meeting on 29th June 2011
2011 Jun 16 Using the built-in debugger of Perl (r)
2011 Jun 15 Plans for world domination
2011 Jun 14 Creating a plug-in for Padre, the Perl IDE
2011 Jun 08 Writing an HTTP Server in Perl 6
2011 Jun 06 Numerical URLs replaced by textual URLs on my blog
2011 Jun 04 How to measure the success of Strawberry Jam?
2011 Jun 01 Rakudo Star 2011.04 for Windows
2011 May 30 Strawberry Perl with Cream - 5.12.3 v3 released
2011 May 21 Padre 0.84 on Strawberry Perl 5.12.3 released
2011 May 14 Digging CPAN
2011 Apr 10 Some stats from Google Summer of Code
2011 Mar 01 Keeping the code clean in a large Perl project
2011 Mar 01 Volunteer to an Open Source project with little or no programming background
2011 Feb 21 Can we rely on Perl?
2011 Feb 21 FOSDEM 2011 and Perl
2011 Feb 20 Tel Aviv Perl Mongers: Getting started in open source
2011 Feb 15 Think Global Act Local - Perl jobs
2011 Feb 14 Accessing the official TPF wiki
2011 Feb 08 Grants to invite speakers to (non-Perl) events
2011 Feb 04 Linux Tag Berlin 2011, late call for talks
2011 Feb 02 Perl Ecosystem Group announcement and public discussion lists
2011 Jan 31 Perl at FOSDEM 2011
2011 Jan 20 The responsibility of a CPAN developer
2011 Jan 20 Texas Linux Fest - Call For Papers
2011 Jan 18 Top-posters
2011 Jan 16 Helping the next CPAN user with very little work
2011 Jan 08 Plat_Forms Perl teams
2011 Jan 04 What would you ask in a survey about the Perl Ecosystem?
2011 Jan 02 Perl in 2011
2010 Dec 17 Helping people not (yet) in the Perl community
2010 Dec 13 Rain and Skishoes
2010 Dec 12 Dancer at the Rehovot Perl Mongers
2010 Dec 07 CFP: Perl at SCALE 9x in Los Angeles
2010 Dec 02 The Problem with Open Source is that you can't blame it on Microsoft
2010 Dec 01 FOSDEM 2011 - more opportunities
2010 Nov 22 T-Dose 2010
2010 Nov 18 London Perl Workshop and the Perl Ecosystem Group
2010 Nov 16 Is Lotus Notes still alive?
2010 Nov 15 FOSDEM - call for Perl related talks
2010 Nov 09 Sponsoring Plat Forms contest teams - dead-line in less than 3 weeks
2010 Nov 05 Perl Ecosystem Group
2010 Nov 02 Perl Devroom at FOSDEM 2011 - call for talk proposals
2010 Oct 25 Rehovot Perl Mongers: Mojolicious and POE
2010 Oct 22 T-Dose in The Netherlands and Perl
2010 Oct 20 Self destruct
2010 Oct 10 Rehovot Perl Mongers: Lacuna Expanse
2010 Oct 03 Heat and solar energy: Transporting heat?
2010 Oct 02 Restarting time?
2010 Aug 23 Fundamentals of Perl training in October, 2010, in Ramat Gan
2010 Aug 15 Perl 6 subroutines and home made operators (r)
2010 Aug 12 More Perl events in 2010
2010 Aug 11 Perl::Staff - Upcoming events for promoting Perl
2010 Aug 09 YAPC::EU 2010 Pisa
2010 Jul 31 Perl 6 screencast - part 5 - hashes
2010 Jul 24 Happy 2nd birthday to Padre - Get on an IRC channel
2010 Jul 24 How to connect to the #perl6 IRC channel and try Perl 6 on-line (r)
2010 Jul 23 Perl 6 screencast - part 4 - files
2010 Jul 22 Perl 6 screencast - part 3 - arrays and ranges
2010 Jul 21 Call for Perl Development grant proposals
2010 Jul 21 Perl 6 presentation in Ramat Gan on 26th July 2010
2010 Jul 21 Perl 6 screencast - part 2 - arrays (r)
2010 Jul 20 Introduction to Perl 6 screencast - part 1 - scalars (r)
2010 Jul 18 Start Up Weekend and the technology they need
2010 Jul 09 Perl 6 and Perl 5 training classes around YAPC::EU in Pisa
2010 Jul 08 How other languages do it?
2010 Jul 05 First contact with companies regarding the Perl Ecosystem group
2010 Jul 05 List of potential members of the TPF Ecosystem group or Advisory board
2010 Jul 05 Looking for Perl Ecosystem leader and event goer in the US and elsewhere
2010 Jul 04 List of upcoming tech events
2010 Jun 30 Thank you for YAPC::NA!
2010 Jun 30 Google Chrome DevFest Israel
2010 Jun 29 Perl Ecosystem development group or Advisory board for TPF?
2010 Jun 27 Grant request for fund-raising and promotional activities
2010 Jun 17 Comparing Perl and Python
2010 Jun 14 About the German Perl Workshop
2010 Jun 05 Busy June: German Perl Workshop, LinuxTag, YAPC::NA, Belgian Perl Workshop
2010 Jun 03 Starting with Perl 6
2010 Jun 01 Ease of bug reporting == caring for the users?
2010 May 26 What are the Perl Monger groups for?
2010 May 20 Why do you learn Perl?
2010 May 18 Where are the Open source developers from?
2010 May 17 Fixing my editor
2010 May 16 Update on some open issues
2010 May 16 Apache Software Foundation
2010 May 14 Python Software Foundation
2010 May 13 Cooperation among Perl freelancers
2010 May 11 My Start-Up Life
2010 May 10 Visiting the aliens
2010 May 10 The FreeBSD Foundation
2010 May 09 Poll: What are the most important features of an employer or a job opportunity for you?
2010 May 09 The awkwardness of socializing at conferences
2010 May 08 Falling number of visitors?
2010 May 04 About the GNOME Foundation
2010 May 02 Business awareness of Perl developers
2010 May 02 Perl on Android
2010 Apr 27 SVG using Perl
2010 Apr 26 According to quick poll only 13% of Perl developers use Windows
2010 Apr 23 Would you like to talk to Perl programmers or about Perl?
2010 Apr 21 Perl booth at LinuxTag Berlin between 9-12 June, 2010
2010 Apr 19 Haifa Perl Mongers meeting: Perl on Android and what is new in Perl 5.12 ?
2010 Apr 18 Events in May: Nordic Perl Workshop, LinuxWochen, BSDCan, GUUG-Frühjahrsfachgespräch
2010 Apr 10 Perl QA Hackathon 2010
2010 Apr 06 Rehovot Perl Mongers, Scalable Vector Graphics and Perl
2010 Mar 31 The stake-holders in the Perl Ecosystem - who cares about Perl?
2010 Mar 22 Companies need more young enthusiastic Perl developers!
2010 Mar 19 Oh, I am happy to see Perl is still alive!
2010 Mar 12 Another report about CeBIT, Perl and the community
2010 Mar 08 Rehovot and Haifa Perl Monger meetings (15, 16 March, 2010)
2010 Mar 07 Perl on CeBIT
2010 Mar 04 Two days into CeBIT
2010 Feb 27 The human face of Perl projects
2010 Feb 22 Help learning and writing CSS - is there a parsable version of the documentation?
2010 Feb 15 Is Padre really better than vi, emacs or Eclipse + EPIC?
2010 Feb 15 Video of the Padre talk on FOSDEM
2010 Feb 14 Next Rehovot Perl Mongers meeting on 16 February about IO::Lambda
2010 Feb 13 FOSDEM report
2010 Feb 04 Perl for Windows statistics
2010 Feb 02 Showing Perl on non-Perl conferences, getting money from TPF for swag
2010 Feb 01 Test Automation using Perl classes
2010 Jan 21 Padre 0.55 Stand alone for Linux based on perl 5.11.4 released
2010 Jan 20 Working with upstream - installing Perl modules from CPAN
2010 Jan 20 FPGA Board Integration - using Perl - Rehovot Perl Mongers
2010 Jan 14 Use case for Strawberry Perl for Windows
2010 Jan 12 Would you like that people at FOSDEM will hear about your Perl project?
2010 Jan 06 When will Padre move to Git?
2010 Jan 05 Padre on ActivePerl, at FOSDEM and at CeBIT - 2010 starts good
2009 Dec 29 Creating a Live CD for Perl
2009 Dec 23 Padre 0.53 Stand Alone for Linux on perl 5.11.3 released
2009 Dec 21 DMOZ - The Open Directory and Perl
2009 Dec 16 Rehovot Perl Mongers, next meeting on Dec 22, 2009 - PDL, Padre
2009 Dec 09 Experimental Stand-alone Padre for Linux
2009 Dec 08 Events organizers promoting Perl
2009 Dec 07 Perl stand at FOSDEM in Belgium
2009 Dec 06 Promoting Padre using Social networks
2009 Dec 02 Open Source Business Model
2009 Dec 01 Rehovot Perl Mongers meeting report - 17th November, 2009
2009 Nov 28 What does "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" really mean?
2009 Nov 25 Context Sensitive Help using Padre, the Perl IDE
2009 Nov 24 Beautiful Perl - creating charts and graphs
2009 Nov 23 How to help people make money using Perl?
2009 Nov 20 FOSDEM application dead-line in 2 days!
2009 Nov 18 Padre supporting technologies in addition to Perl
2009 Nov 15 Poll: What are you using besides Perl?
2009 Nov 12 Padre Stand-alone 0.50 for Windows has been released
2009 Nov 12 New Perl related books
2009 Nov 08 Padre 0.50 released
2009 Nov 05 Rehovot Perl Mongers - First meeting - Matlab and PDL
2009 Nov 04 The Perl editor and IDE market
2009 Nov 02 Padre 0.49 released - Release early, release often
2009 Oct 30 Why bother upgrading perl?
2009 Oct 29 Perl Virtual Appliances
2009 Oct 28 FOSDEM call for Perl participation
2009 Oct 26 Perl Editor and IDE Poll results
2009 Oct 23 Supplying examples with CPAN modules
2009 Oct 21 Which editor(s) or IDE(s) are you using for Perl development?
2009 Oct 21 Perl Mongers in Amsterdam
2009 Oct 20 Perl Mongers: A world tour on the back of a virtual camel
2009 Oct 16 Perl at FOSDEM
2009 Oct 14 Padre 0.48 released
2009 Oct 08 Getting the Perl Mongers into shape
2009 Oct 05 Helping each other, you and Padre
2009 Oct 02 My teenage memories and the Parrot Virtual Machine
2009 Oct 01 oDesk and the market trends
2009 Sep 30 Looking for a Perl related job?
2009 Sep 23 YAPC::EU::2009 videos - Larry Wall talking about Perl 6
2009 Sep 22 Perl in your language
2009 Sep 21 Why do I teach PHP to my son?
2009 Sep 18 One-liners to promote Perl
2009 Sep 18 Subversion vs. XYZ
2009 Sep 16 CPAN client for the beginners
2009 Sep 15 Padre Standalone for Windows 0.45 released
2009 Sep 13 What is Perl used for?
2009 Sep 10 Help packaging Padre on Linux and Mac OSX
2009 Sep 09 Help! How to deal with madness?
2009 Sep 07 What I am missing from EPO
2009 Sep 07 How to get started with Padre?
2009 Sep 02 Perl projects for newbies
2009 Aug 31 Improving the Padre experience
2009 Aug 29 Improving the Moose experience
2009 Aug 24 Yet another reason why it is important to be nice to newbies
2009 Aug 23 Women at YAPC
2009 Aug 21 More women in the Perl community? Why should I care?
2009 Aug 19 Dreamwidth account for Padre and myself
2009 Aug 17 How to help Perl in your organization?
2009 Aug 15 New life in SDL Perl
2009 Aug 13 Perldoc translations
2009 Aug 12 Measurable objectives for the Perl ecosystem
2009 Aug 10 Marketing BOF at YAPC::EU 2009
2009 Aug 10 YAPC::EU Lisbon, Thank you!
2009 Aug 06 Where to find Windows users to try Padre, the Perl IDE?
2009 Aug 04 Perl 6 training report - YAPC::EU 2009
2009 Jul 28 Padre BOF at YAPC::EU 2009
2009 Jul 28 Who needs more marketing in the Perl world?
2009 Jul 26 Why do you learn Perl 6?
2009 Jul 26 Is it really hard to find good Perl programmers?
2009 Jul 25 Perception is Reality - we need a director of marketing
2009 Jul 22 Better collaboration tools
2009 Jul 21 NetBeans IDE 6.7 Provides Effective Integration with Project Kenai
2009 Jul 19 Promoting Strawberry Perl for Windows
2009 Jul 16 Why am I writing Padre? - The business aspect
2009 Jul 16 Perl 6 Regexes (r)
2009 Jul 14 Perl 6 files
2009 Jul 11 Padre stand-alone installer for Windows - first beta version
2009 Jul 09 The Success of Ubuntu
2009 Jul 09 Padre 0.39 released
2009 Jul 08 The Corporate CPAN II
2009 Jul 02 Why am I writing Padre?
2009 Jul 01 Test Reporting system: Smolder wish-list
2009 Jun 30 The Ubuntu Business model and Perl
2009 Jun 28 Perl 5 Personal Service
2009 Jun 25 Padre 0.37 released
2009 Jun 23 Things I am missing from Iron Man
2009 Jun 22 When is the next release of Perl?
2009 Jun 20 Live Help - IRC channels
2009 Jun 17 Perl 5 to Perl 6 - Arrays (r)
2009 Jun 16 Perl 5 to Perl 6 - Scalars (r)
2009 Jun 15 Introduction to PHPUnit
2009 Jun 13 Comparing the Eclipse Foundation with The Perl Foundation and EPO
2009 Jun 10 Help your vendor packaging CPAN modules
2009 Jun 08 Plans for the next 2-3 months
2009 Jun 05 If you change the code of an open source application no one will support you
2009 Jun 03 I hate Net::SSH::Perl
2009 Jun 02 Why www is (un)necessary in the web addresses
2009 May 31 Planning an SQL or DBI plugin for Padre
2009 May 30 The importance of frequent binary releases
2009 May 30 Padre 0.36 released
2009 May 25 The Corporate CPAN
2009 May 22 Perl 6 training in Lisbon in August
2009 May 18 Perl Programming
2009 May 09 CPAN Dependency browser
2009 May 04 Ideas for Padre plugins
2009 Apr 30 If you can read this then you don't need this
2009 Apr 28 Padre 0.34 Released
2009 Apr 27 SmartLinks on CPAN now
2009 Apr 26 Syntax::Highlight::Engine::Kate anyone seen Hans Jeuken?
2009 Apr 23 Iron Man Blogging contest
2009 Apr 14 Padre and Catalyst
2009 Apr 10 You show them mine, I show them yours
2009 Apr 09 The Perl 5 - Perl 6 divide
2009 Apr 08 Reporting Test Results
2009 Apr 06 What is the last element of an infinite list or how to get started with Perl 6 ?
2009 Mar 30 Perl 6 subroutines (r)
2009 Mar 25 Testing a (Perl) Web application without a lot of setup
2009 Mar 23 Embedding Perl 6 in Perl 5
2009 Mar 21 Padre and Google Summer of Code 2009
2009 Mar 20 Perl 6: Looping over a list of values one at a time, two at a time and more (r)
2009 Mar 17 Perl 6: Is a value IN a given list of values? (r)
2009 Mar 15 Testing PHP Applications
2009 Mar 13 Perl 6: Scalar, Array and Hash interpolation (r)
2009 Mar 12 Perl 6: Arrays with unique values (r)
2009 Mar 11 Testing PHP code with SimpleTest
2009 Mar 09 Ending the Padre and Parrot integration grant
2009 Mar 08 Spine, the Perl CMS (Content Management System)
2009 Mar 07 Better Than Grep
2009 Mar 07 Vim as Perl IDE
2009 Mar 05 No cookies for me
2009 Mar 02 German Perl Workshop
2009 Feb 28 Hands on Perl 6 training in Oslo
2009 Feb 24 No good Perl for Win32 ?
2009 Feb 20 Moaning Goat Meter
2009 Feb 19 Experimental Perl 6 training / workshop in Frankfurt
2009 Feb 18 Twitter
2009 Feb 18 Prices
2009 Feb 18 More Padre blogs
2009 Feb 16 Methods and Messages: Randal Schwartz on Smalltalk
2009 Feb 16 What is Modern Perl?
2009 Feb 15 Padre blogs
2009 Feb 15 TOP 100 CPAN packages
2009 Feb 10 The Five Forces in the Language Wars
2009 Feb 08 Shimming for testing Perl 6 code released to CPAN
2009 Feb 04 Writing Perl 6 can be frustrating
2009 Feb 02 Padre 0.26 released
2009 Jan 21 Mocking real world to test a wrapper
2009 Jan 18 Test Automation Training in Oslo, Norway
2009 Jan 17 Operation on a Series of Integers in Perl 6 (r)
2009 Jan 16 Embedding Parrot in Perl 5
2009 Jan 13 Test Automation using Perl Training in Frankfurt, Germany
2009 Jan 12 Getting Started with Perl 6
2009 Jan 10 Perl 6 syntax highlighting
2009 Jan 01 Perl 6 Cookbook
2009 Jan 01 New Year's Resolutions 2009
2008 Dec 30 PPI based Syntax highlighting for Perl 5
2008 Dec 29 Syntax highlighting for Perl 6
2008 Dec 11 Plans for Integrating Padre with Parrot and Rakudo
2008 Dec 10 Grant accepted for Integrating Padre with Parrot and Rakudo
2008 Dec 10 Plans for the next month or two
2008 Dec 05 Perlsphere
2008 Nov 30 Portable Padre 0.19 for Windows
2008 Nov 27 10-fold grows in Padre user base
2008 Nov 26 How many test harnesses are too many?
2008 Nov 25 Licenses on CPAN. Again
2008 Nov 20 Padre talk in Haifa, reality check
2008 Nov 17 Padre 0.17 was released
2008 Nov 12 Talking about Padre and wxPerl in Haifa
2008 Nov 11 Backlinks or links back to your site
2008 Nov 10 Building your resume
2008 Nov 09 How to run an Open Source Project
2008 Nov 06 Syntax highlighting nightmare
2008 Nov 04 2008Q4 TPF Grant Proposals
2008 Nov 02 Subversion committer statistics
2008 Oct 28 Perl Application Development and Distribution Platform
2008 Oct 28 Compare Languages by usage
2008 Oct 23 Yak shaving
2008 Oct 21 Recursive development that leads nowhere
2008 Oct 18 Licenses in META.yml on CPAN
2008 Oct 17 Shall I enable some form of track-back or commenting?
2008 Oct 15 Shana Tova - New Year's resolution
2008 Oct 15 Perl needs is_number and similar functions (nearly built in)
2008 Sep 22 The Quest for the Perfect Editor
2008 Sep 04 Living on the border
2008 Sep 02 TAP - Test Anything Protocol
2008 Aug 31 Padre - the journey I.
2008 Aug 21 Who needs an IDE for Perl anyway?
2008 Aug 09 Padre project web site
2008 Jul 26 Padre
2008 Jul 23 White Camel
2008 Jul 18 Name a Perl IDE - get a Perl book or YAPC ticket
2008 Jul 09 QA Hackathon in Israel
2008 Jul 01 OSDC Israel 2009 - Call for organizers
2008 Jun 11 Selenium on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy)
2008 Jun 09 Testing Hello World
2008 Jun 08 Wifi is working again!
2008 Jun 07 CPANTS update
2008 Jun 04 Frequent Internet blackouts
2008 Jun 03 Upgrading to Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy on Compaq (HP) nc6400.
2008 May 23 Test Automation Tips
2008 May 22 Open Source IDE for Perl
2008 May 21 This week in Ruby
2008 May 21 Being included on Planet Perl
2008 May 14 Adding tag cloud to the blog
2008 May 14 Ubuntu 7.04 (beta) Feisty Fawn on Compaq (HP) nc6400
2008 May 13 Test automation using Perl master class in Chicago
2008 May 13 Adding tags to the blog
2008 May 09 Automated Testing in PHP, Python, Ruby and Perl
2008 Apr 03 Strawberry Perl for Windows
2008 Apr 01 Oslo Hackathon day -4
2008 Mar 27 Blogging about Perl outside the community?
2008 Mar 27 OSCON Proposals rejected
2008 Mar 26 Preparing for the QA Hackathon in Oslo
2008 Mar 25 Missing licenses on CPAN modules?
2008 Mar 24 License of Perl Modules on CPAN
2007 Dec 24 Joining Technorati?
2007 Dec 24 Regular Expressions in Perl 5.10
2007 Dec 24 Switching in Perl 5.10 (r)
2007 Dec 24 Smart Matching in Perl 5.10 (r)
2007 Dec 24 What's new in Perl 5.10? say, //, state (r)
2007 Dec 23 The Zulo interview was published
2007 Dec 08 Frequency of programming languages on LinkedIn
2007 Dec 06 Interview in Zulo
2007 Dec 06 Sun Startup Essentials Launch
2007 Aug 25 Testing PostgresSQL
2007 Aug 25 Testing Pugs and Perl 6
2007 Aug 22 Testing Ruby
2007 Aug 22 Testing GHC, the Glasgow Haskell Compiler
2007 Aug 22 Testing NUT, the Network UPS Tools
2007 Aug 21 Testing SQLite (r)
2007 Aug 20 Smoked Parrot
2007 Aug 20 Quality Assurance of Perl 5
2007 Jul 09 Using mod_perl for
2007 Jul 07 Quality Assurance and Automated Testing in Open Source Software (r)
2007 Jul 07 Add tags to CPAN modules via CPAN::Forum
2007 Jun 15 Windows on VMware
2007 Jun 13 Reducing the social gap of the information age
2007 May 25 Moving to a new server
2007 May 04 Preparing an application for distribution
2007 May 01 Spreadsheet::ParseExcel is looking for a maintainer
2007 Apr 28 CPAN Modules in Linux Distributions
2007 Apr 18 Version control of single files using Subversion
2007 Apr 13 Testing results, Perl and CPAN module availability
2006 Aug 05 split into two
2006 Jul 23 Upgrading Ubuntu to 6.06, (Dapper Drake)
2006 Jul 22 Ginger Spam Salad
2006 Jul 20 Automating the blog
2006 Jul 19 Wish list: search engine for Perl related sites
2006 Jul 19
2006 Jul 19 More blog related issues
2006 Jul 19 Starting a blog
1970 Jan 01 Programming language popularity: Rust