Need to allocate time for promotion

I can't expect that people will hire me or even just join my community out of the blue. I'll need to invest in promoting the promoting my services and my projects.


I managed to make progress with the Rust slides and recorded 3 videos. It was not easy to decide what comes next.

I started to feel that my time is too fragmented. I turn off Discord to be able to focus on things without the notifications, but I still turned it on too many times during the day and I was still trying to respond to some of the items. This of course takes me a lot of time and uses a lot of energy as everything is in Hebrew. However I guess I should see it also as an investment I should have done years ago to improve my Hebrew reading and writing skills.

There were also a number of people who wanted to either talk to me about my projects or hear a bit more about my project, but we could not find the right time. Either I was online or the other people. I think I will need to allocate a special time-slot and tell people I'll be online that time.

I made some progress on the OSDC site content and on our Zulip instance. We even got listed among the Zulip communities. There are now 11 members. There is a stats page to see some interesting numbers. Well, they are more interesting on the Zulip of Zulip because it has been around for 6 years.

I figured I am spending most of my time on developing content and maybe not enough promoting my services. Is it even clear what are my services?

I posted Only internally vetted and approved Open Source libraries can be used and got some interesting replies.


No special plans for today. I will work on Rust, the OSDC web site, publishing another article about open source.


There are some longer plans that I might list here.

A Meetup introducing Zulip that will give me the opportunity to show the platform, learn more about the platform and maybe include a few more people in our instance. For this I need to have a little bit more experience with the platform and work out some process on how I am using it.

  • Checking the recent messages I've participated in to see if there were any new comments on them.
  • Checking streams that interest me.

Try how well Zulip works with Hebrew text written right-to-left and open issues if necessary.

Create my own welcome-bot. Though actually I like that I send a DM myself to each new user.