Google Trends - Software Technologies

Google Trends has a ranking of Software technologies.

It is a monthly report that shows the top 10 in most previous months, but in the last few reports there are 20 entries. Perl is number 19.

The numbers for the

1 Java 100 (Peaked at #1) 2 HTML 98 (Peaked at #1) 3 SQL 70 (Pealed at #1) 4 JavaScript 58 (Peaked at #4) 5 C 57 (Peaked at #4) 6 Python 55 (Peaked at #5) 7 CSS 53 (Peaked at #4) 8 PHP 39 (Peaked at #5) 9 MATLAB 34 (Peaked at #9) 10 R 33 (Peaked at #10) 11 .NET 33 (Peaked at #4) 12 C# 28 (Peaked at #7) 13 XML 21 (Peaked at #9) 14 ASP.NET 21 (Peaked at #10) 15 LaTeX 15 (Peaked at --) 16 HTML5 13 (Peaked at --) 17 Visual Basic 12 (Peaked at #6) 18 Ruby 12 (Peaked at --) 19 Perl 10 (Peaked at #8, 22 months in top 10) 20 Windows Power Shell 10 (Peaked at --)

The number after each technology is the relative search interest in them.

I don't know how reliable is this data. I checked earlier months as well:

In July 2013 suddenly the D programming language appeared at position 12 with a relative interest of 26. Next month it went down to position 15 with interest level 19, and then it disappeared again. As the 20th position keep having around 12 interest point, I find it strange that a language could jumpt to interest leve 26 in a month.

At the top of the list I see Java and SQL swapping interest level of 80 and 100. In June 2013 SQL is 100 and Java is 80. A month later, in July 2013, Java had 100 and SQL 81. That's a 45% relatvie growth for Java compared to SQL, within a month. Very unlikely.

On the other hand, if we look at several months, then the relative search interest in most of the technologies seems to be more-or-less stable.

The charts can be reached from Google Trends via the Top Charts link.