Measuring progress
In last several months I spent a lot of time organizing events and trying to promote those events.
Yet I have this horrible feeling of not making enough progress.
I think I was hoping to see more and more people attending the events I organize and more and more people watching the videos recorded at those events. Yet the numbers don't seem to show this.
When looking at the stats of the Meetup groups I see a nice increase in the number of registered users, but they are still far from groups like PyData Tel Aviv or the Microsoft Reactor in Tel Aviv.
The level of attendance is still lower than what I was hoping for. 20-25 people tops.
When looking at the stats of my YouTube channels I see a slowly increasing number of followers, but no change in the hours watched. Despite the videos being rather long. Earlier I did not collect these numbers, but Youtube says "about the same as last period" and when I changed to 1-year view it even said that the watched time decreased by 10% compared to the previous period.
Maybe my expectations were and are too high. Maybe it is only me, who is very impatient.
- Meetup Code-Mavens: 2,935 members.
- Meetup PyWeb-IL: 3,333
- Meetup Rust in Israel: 14
- Meetup Rust TLV: 950
- Youtube English: 3,172
- Youtube Hebrew: 532
- Meetup: Code-Mavens: 3,262 members.
- Meetup: PyWeb-IL 3,729 members.
- Meetup: Rust-TLV: 1,054 members.
- LinkedIn: 4,944 followers 4,327 connections
- YouTube: English: 3,390
- YouTube: Hebrew: 648
- YouTube: Spanish: 19
- YouTube: Hungarian: 15
- Meetup: Code-Mavens: 3,518 members.
- Meetup: PyWeb-IL 3,865 members.
Meetup: Rust-TLV: 1,136 members.
LinkedIn: 5,041 followers 4,385 connections
LinkedIn Python Maven 1,025
- LinkedIn Perl Maven 847
- LinkedIn Hebrew 777
- LinkedIn English 556
- LinkedIn DevOps Maven 400
- LinkedIn Golang Maven 217
- LinkedIn Spanish 161
- LinkedIn Hungarian 14
LinkedIn Rust Maven 1
YouTube: English: 3,454 3,373 views and 190.8 hours in 28 days
- YouTube: Hebrew: 687 2,050 views and 84.0 hours in 28 days
- YouTube: Spanish: 19
- YouTube: Hungarian: 15