Padre Standalone for Windows 0.45 released
While we have already seen the release of 0.46 to CPAN Curtis Jewell has released the first version of Padre Standalone for Windows.
It contains Padre 0.45 and is built on a recent version of Strawberry Perl for Windows Once installed you can easily upgrade Padre to 0.46 directly from CPAN. (See the Howto page)
The objective of Padre Standalone for Windows is to provide an easily installable and easily upgradeable editor for people who already have perl installed or who are using perl on a remote machine (opening and saving files via ftp or ssh) or for people who use it for editing other languages.
While it will contain a full Strawberry Perl installation, it will happily live together with any other Perl installation (e.g. any version of ActivePerl ) and the users won't even need to know it is running on Perl. Actually it will probably require a separate perl installation if you really want to run perl code.
We are still a couple of months away from having all the features but we have started to build a wiki page outlining the plans and the feature we would like to include.
If you would like to help, you can look around our bug tracking system and/or you can get involved in other ways.