Perl at FOSDEM 2011

FOSDEM is next weekend (5-6 February 2011). This time the Perl community has both a Perl stand and a Perl dev-room. Looking at the schedule of the Perl dev-room you'll see there are talks about Dancer, Template::Zoom, Moose, [dist://Curses::Toolkit], DTrace, Padre, the Perl IDE, Rakudo/Perl 6 and more.

Perl Stand

A number of people have already volunteered and signed up to be at the Perl stand. As some of the people are the same who were at T-Dose I bet this time it will be fun again. If you are around, please drop by and say hi or even help us out a bit.

Having both a stand and a dev-room is a huge step forward from last year and I hope we will be able to fill the room. The competition in the other 20 or so tracks is very strong, there are lots of interesting talks all over the schedule.

For example there is going to be a PL/Parrot by David Fetter. Here is an interview with him.

We'll see.

Pre-conference beer event

As every year, this time again there is going to be a pre-conference beer event on Friday evening. It will be crowded but it could be a good opportunity to meet with the other Perl hackers. I think I'll try to be upstairs at a table where there is slightly more air.

Dancer mini hackathon

Unfortunately they are too busy with day-jobs to have a full hackathon after FOSDEM but all 4 of the core Dancer developers are going to be at FOSDEM. The 3 from Paris are sponsored by the French Perl Mongers while the trip for SawyerX is sponsored by PEG, the Perl Ecosystem Group.