Promotion in Hebrew

Ideas about the channels where we could promote the Python and Rust-related content, events, and services.

The goal is to reach a lot more people with the events and the videos to make people think about me when they are looking for a Rust or a Python trainer in Israel so they will recommend me to their bosses.

The more immediate goal is to help more people enjoy the valuable content we create.

We would like to promote the events in the following

What to promote?

  • Meetup groups:

We would like to have more people register to the events (and of course that more people will actually join the events) and more people register to the groups.

Later the recordings in the Hebew events in the

We would like to increase the number of views, the number of followers, and the total hours watched.

Where and how to promote?

  • Meetup groups:

    • In the PyWeb-IL and in the Rust-TLV groups:
    • Write title with Hebrew text.
    • Create nice banners with Hebrew text or make it obvious in some other way that the event is in Hebrew.
    • Besides the announcement of the events, we can also send out reminders in email. This we usually do in English, but we could use Hebrew as well.
  • Hebrew YouTube channel

    • Thumbnails (make them nicer and obvious that they are in Hebrew)
    • Titles in Hebrew (as well?)
    • Maybe also some Hebrew text for the descriptions.
  • Hebrew web sites:

  • Posting about the events and the videos in various Hebrew channels

  • Finding additional channels

    • Maakaf - see related groups.
    • Local tech groups such as the Modiin Tech group.
  • Community Web sites

Adding Hebrew content to the community web sites for Python and Rust