Starting a blog
I have been on an off this idea of blogging. I am still not sure. It seems it
needs too much energy.
Two days ago I opened an account
on LiveJournal but I guess I'd
prefer to keep things on my own site.
I have also been writing on use.perl.
It is probably much more visible, but again, that is not on my site.
There are also other issues here. As usual I am trying to create my own
blog software. After all I don't need much in this. I started by just
writing the HTML code, adding a date and content.
Then I realized I'll need a way to split up my blog. Hopefully I'll be
able to post often. Then soon the single page blog would not work well.
I shall split up the messages and move them in some permanent location.
The first idea was to to use perl -e 'print time'
to generate
a timestamp and use that as the name of the file. (e.g. /blog/1153283015.html)
Assuming I don't write two entries in the same second this is a unique and
growing number. Then I looked at
Ask Bjørn Hansen.
This reminded me that I also need a title for each entry. Ask is using
/YYYY/MM/DD/the_real_title.html as the name of the file. Oh, yes if I happen
to write a lot then using a single directory might have a problem, having too
many files in it. Besides, the date hierarchy seems like a good idea. Using
the title as the name of the permalink does not seem to be good. At least for
me. I am sure I will need to change some of the titles. If for nothing else to
fix my typos.