White Camel Award 2024

The latest edition of the Perl 🐪 Weekly is titled "White Camel Award 2024" for Olaf Alders has received this award for his outstanding work improving the Perl community and the Perl ecosystem.

The image of a camel has been associated with Perl ever since O'Reilly put a camel 🐪 on the cover of the "Programming Perl" book in 1991. Wow that's a long time.

The Perl community embraced it with love.

The thing about the award is that White Camels are rare and so valuable. It is a nice way for the Perl community to show their appreciation to one of their members for their contribution.

I wonder if there are similar awards for other programming languages and in other open source communities? Let me know!

🐪 The newsletter

🐪 The newsletter on DEV.to

🐪 The White Camel Award of Olaf