Test Automation Tips

For some time I thought that the Perl-Tips sent out by Perl Training Australia is a neat idea. To follow my tradition of taking lots of good ideas from the Australians I thought I'd like to have one too.

Of course it did not make much sense to create another Perl tips list but now, following the advice of brian d foy, finally the puzzle is complete.

What I can really offer is tips on test automation. That's something I know quite a bit about and I don't think others provide such information.

So I setup a mailing list where I can send out these tips.

I even create a separate page for the Test Automation Tips but you can go directly to the registration page.

Subscribe to it now as I am going to send out the first message soon.

Planned Content

Of course you might want to know first what am going to write about there?

Well, I am not sure yet.

You might get an idea if you look at the past messages in the blog. Especially those with the testing tag. There were few topics already but that might not be enough to convince you that it is worth your time.

So let me think aloud a bit.

  • For sure I'll give tips on how to write better unit tests in Perl.
  • The QA Test Automation using Perl course I am teaching also contains lots of parts on how to test other thing such as web applications, databases, file systems, networking devices etc. using Perl. I am going to take ideas from there an discuss them on this newsletter.
  • I am also planning to add information on how to write unit tests in other languages - mostly the dynamic flavors such as Python, PHP and Ruby - and how to integrate between the tests written in several languages.


So if these sound interesting, here is the link again: Subscribe now!

This is a double opt-in mailing list, just like most of the lists today. First you have to type in your e-mail address and optionally your name. Then you'll get an e-mail message with instructions on how to finish your subscription.

That's all for now.