Gabor self reporting for 2021.04

This is the report for April 2021. (See also the list of previous reports).


I started to write it on May 1, but then I got too busy with other things. I think this was the theme of all the previous month. I think I have way too many different things on my plate and that is part of the reason I don't make much progress in any of them.

I have to admit I feel I manage to do a lot less than what I was hoping for. I think partially it is health issues (I feel tired quite a lot) and partially it might be trying to do too many things at once.

Partially watching too much Netflix.

Partually playing too much Go.

Partially spening a lot of time (I would not say too much) sport. Walking every 2nd day and spending at least half a day hiking every Saturday.

Personal blog posts

There were 5 posts on my personal site. I contemplated the issue about live pair programming and the idea of team-programming. There is a lot more I should write about the subject.


Number of followers:

Hebrew: 619 (+16) English: 551 (+4) Spanish: 41 (+9) Hungarian: 10 (-)

Perl: 791 (+30) Python: 674 (+38) DevOps: 360 (+1) Golang: 208 (-1)

Personal: 4,203 (+9)

Apparently if I don't invite people and rarely post on my LinkedIn pages then very few new people start following those pages.


Same as last month, I primarily posted in my two main Twitter accounts.

Number of followers:

szabgab: 2,441 PerlWeekly: 2,787 PerlMaven: 591 Code__Maven: 23


Some posts on the Perl Maven page, the Python Maven page and the page in Hebrew.

Number of followers:

             Follow         Like

Perl Maven: 281 (+2) 263 (+3) Python Maven : 168 (-2) 165 (-2) Hebrew: 27 (+1) 27 (+1)


No huge changes here.

  • 2021.04 ended with 62 Patrons and 8 followers
  • 2021.03 ended with 66 Patrons and 8 followers
  • 2021.02 ended with 66 Patrons and 8 followers
  • 2021.01 ended with 68 Patrons and 8 followers
  • 2020.12 ended with 66 Patrons and 8 followers
  • 2020.11 ended with 69 Patrons and 6 followers
  • 2020.10 ended with 66 Patrons and 6 followers
  • 2020.09 ended with 63 Patrons and 6 followers
  • 2020.08 ended with 54 Patrons and 6 followers.
  • 2020.07 ended with 30 Patrons

See a partial list of supporters.

I have posted 7 times in April. All of them were public.

According to my Patreon page there are now 112 videos, 1 writing and 2 links available to the Patrons with $5 or more monthly support.

All the other posts are public.

In April I had 2 posts on

Perl Maven

On the Perl Maven site there are 21 in April. (16 in March, 22 in February and 3, 34, 14, 5 in the previous months).

You can see them in the archive.

Code Maven

On the Code Maven site there are 16 posts in April (7 in March, 2 in February and 12, 2, 7, 13 in the previous months).

You can see them in the archive there.

Perl Weekly

Nothing very exciting on the Perl Weekly newsletter. I edited 2 of the issues and Manwar edited 2.


The number of followers on the various YouTube channels:

English: 2,200 (+51) Hebrew: 191 (+13) Hungarian: 11 (+2) Spanish: 9 (+3)

Webinars and Meetups

This month I had scheduled 2, but only ran 1 webinars in Hebrew. I had to cancel/postpone the other one because only one person showed up and she also left when she saw there are no others.

It seems that the popularity of my 9 am webinars went down. I wonder if it is because of the subjects I choose or because people started to go back to work from the office so they don't have time in the morning to join a webinar.

For next month I've not scheduled any event in Hebrew. Instead of that I already have many live pair programming events scheduled.

Live Pair programming

Last month it was just a side-note that I had 3 live coding event, but in April I managed to have a few more. I had 10 events. Some in Perl, some in Python and in TypeScript. Most of them were in English, but there was one in Spanish as well.

I already have a few live pair programming events scheduled for May as well.

Spanish lessons

I keep learning Spanish with Duolingo.

I had a few Spanish lessons via italki.


We had a family gathering and I dared to visit my cousin and her family. Things starting to look more normal now.


Playing lots of games on Dragon Go Server and also on Online Go and I've installed Baduk Pop on my phone to do a few exercises.


According to Runkeeper I went walking 18 times in April.


If you are interested in the routes and the pictures here are the 3 hikes I had in March.

Ein Yorkeam - Nachal HaTira - Nachal Yamin in the Negev desert.

Gilboa - Har Barkan (above Beit Alfa and Heftziba).

Ein Mata - Palm trees, Mountains of Jerusalem.

Bar Giyyora Mountains of Jerusalem.


I checked the final projects of some of the students from the Programming Bootcamp.


I don't expect a lot of paid work this month.

I plan to do lot of pair-programming or team-programming live.